I am just listening to Michael Jackson on the radio and so I was thinking ... It is such a shame that he decided to throw away his sweet child looks for this monster plastic surgeried face ! Here are some before and after pics !
From this (above)
Into this (right)
I'd love to hear what you think about him as personally I've come to be quite scared of him, especially after watching his interview with Martin Bashir on YouTube --- v. scary
Anyways, please comment xxx
god i am really scared of him he nearly chucked a baby out of a window?
yeah and i don't really know how all THAT happened but maybe i don't want to know...
p.s. yeah hopefully the series will come out in the UK but i know for a fact the books are there- you should read them!
He was so much better when he was young and innocent.
It is a shame, but his songs are just brilliant. He is (was) an excellent singer and dancer, I still love his CDs.
Michael Jackson is still beautiful.
Fame is to much for some people.
He was just so stunnningly gorgeous before the surgery, its so sad. But its because his evil father abused him and it messed him up inside,(horrible people) thats why his nose is so monserous-because his dad always made him feel like it was ugly and so he felt he had to completely change who he was to get over it. but i love his songs too, i can listen to them over and over. ♥
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